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NABOCP Membership

8 Steps Of Full Membership & License

Complete Request For Membership Application


Submit Application For Registration And Pay Application Fee Of $160 USD


Application Approved or Referred For Review To Registration Committee


Approved Applicants will have Certificate Of Membership/License Issued in Qualifying Category and or Certified Psychophysiologist Category After Paying Annual License Fee Of $250 USD
Application Is Refused By Registration Committee
(Applicant can appeal decision)


Qualifying Category Member Submits Request To Transfer To Certified Psychophysiologist Category


Certificate Of Membership/Licensed Issued as Certified Psychophysiologist



The College Of Certified Psychophysiologists is the governing institution that provides education, certificating and licensing requirements through the North American Board Of Certified Psychophysiologists.




Certified Psychophysiologist C.P.


Member has successfully been awarded a Master or Doctorate Degree from the College Of Certified Psychophysiologists.


Member has completed a course of study and received Doctorate Degree in the field of Psychophysiology, Neurobiology, Education or related field directly related to the field of Psychophysiology as approved by the NABOCP


Member has completed a course of study and received Master's Degree in the field of Psychophysiology, Neurobiology, Education or related field directly related to the field of Psychophysiology as approved by the NABOCP. Has had over 5 years of experience in related field.


Member has completed course of study and received a Bachelor’s Degree in the field of Psychophysiology, Neurobiology or Education or related field directly related to the field of Psychophysiology as approved by the NABOCP. Has had over 100 hours of supervised clinical experience by Qualified Supervisor.


Has had over 20 years of experience in the field of Psychophysiology, Neurobiology or Education or related field and provides a letter of recommendation from a licensed member of the NABOCP.


In lieu of Bachelor's Degree has amassed a great quantity of experience and expertise in a directly related scientific field to Psychophysiology and has completed any prescribed courses as set out by the NABOCP, completed written and verbal examinations and provides 2 letters of recommendation from a licensed member of the NABOCP. 


Certified Psychophysiologist (Qualifying) C.P.(Qualifying)

Member has not met the qualifications for regular membership and is currently enrolled in an approved course of study with the College Of Certified Psychophysiologists.


Certified Psychophysiologist (Temporary) C.P.(Temporary)

Member has completed course of approved study as set out by the NABOCP and may engage in practice but is required to complete 100 hours of supervised clinical practice.


Certified Psychophysiologist (Inactive) C.P. (Inactive)

Member has been licensed member but has not maintained membership requirements.



As of January 01, 2021 NABCP'S fees are as follows in USD:


Administrative (e.g. letter of good standing, etc.):  $35.00


Application: $160.00


Professional Practice and Jurisprudence e-Learning Module: $50.00


Late Renewal: $150.00


Letter after first one reminding of obligation not performed: $50.00


Lifting a Suspension: $350.00


Professional Corporation (Initial): $250.00


Professional Corporation (Renewal): $150.00


Registered Psychophysiologist Registration or Renewal: $200.00


Registered Psychophysiologist (Qualifying) Registration: $250.00


Registered Psychophysiologist (Qualifying) Renewal: $200.00


Registered Psychophysiologist (Inactive) Renewal: $200.00


Registration (Temporary): $400.00


Registration Category Transfer: $80.00


Registration Examination: $150.00


Reviewing an applicant’s education & training: Registration: $100.00

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North American Board Of Certified Psychophysiologists


2166 W Broadway # 270 Anaheim CA 92804



3345 Kingsway #398 Vancouver BC V5R 0A7


Phone: 1-844-855-7759 Ext. 1


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